Traditionally, the Ashoka herb benefits are well known and used by Ayurvedic ancient seers for a wide range of women’s health issues. Women are the main pillars of every home. Always busy meeting the needs of every family member and neglects to care for herself. Her daily routine consisted of poor eating habits, little or no exercise, late nights of work, irregular periods, and late nights of sleep. One fine day she collapsed with numerous health issues.
In this scenario, the Ashoka herb benefits will work like nectar for every female life. Let’s see how it goes –
The name Ashoka says it all. A means “No”, Shoka means “grief” in Sanskrit, and it is a herb that relieves pain and grief (No grief). Stripriya, which translates to “women’s favorite”. It helps to resolve all of her health problems. This tree can be found in India’s South, Central, and Eastern Himalayas. The Saraca Asoca (Ashoka Tree) is highly respected in a number of countries, including Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal. If you recall, Maa Sita was held in Ashoka Vatika of Lanka as well. The “Charak Samhita,” a classic Ayurvedic literature, discusses Ashoka’s usefulness as an analgesic, an astringent, and a treatment for skin conditions like leprosy. Ashoka herb benefits – Ayurveda view.
Ayurveda View –
- Rasa (taste) – Kashaya (astringent), Tikta (bitter)
- Pacifies Kapha and Pitta Dosha
- Qualities – Laghu (Light to digest), Sheeta (Cold potency), Rooksha (Dryness)
Ayurvedic medicinal uses of the Ashoka tree –
Ashoka medicinal benefits for periods – Rakta Pradara

It is a traditional uterine tonic. According to Ayurveda, it has astringent, absorbent (Grahi), and analgesic (shulahara) characteristics that tone the uterus, reduces heavy & continuous menstrual flow, and relieve abdominal cramps.
It helps to relieve premenstrual symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and headaches.
The uterine relaxing properties of the Ashoka tree’s bark, which are abundant in flavonoids, tannins, and glycosides, effectively calm down the uterine muscles.
Ayurtip – Take 10 grams of Ashoka bark powder, mix it with 2 cups of water, and boil it down to half a cup. Filter it and drink it twice a day. You can add 1 teaspoon of jaggery or honey to taste. This will assist you in reducing heavy periods.
Ashoka powder benefits for PCOS
An imbalance in hormones is the primary cause of PCOS. Period irregularities, facial hair development, acne, and weight gain are all symptoms of PCOS. Ashoka normalizes hormone levels, which aids in the control of uterine functions. According to Ayurveda, all health issues are related to digestion (Agni). Ashoka improves digestive health by uplifting Agni, making it useful for treating all PCOS symptoms.
Infertility – useful for endometriosis and female infertility. According to a study that was published in “Complementary Treatments in Clinical Practice,” Ashoka is one of the herbal treatments that distant Indian traditional healers in remote places use to treat “reproductive issues.” It works by balancing hormonal levels to strengthen the uterine muscles and regulate the menstrual cycle. Ashoka is a key element in the Rajasthan Aushadhalayas, Nari Amrut syrup and capsules, and Leucwin syrup and capsules. Useful in the treatment of female health problems, such as excessive bleeding during menstruation, infertility, white discharge, PCOD.
Ashoka powder benefits for skin – Varnya
It has natural blood-purifying properties that help keep infections at bay inside and outside the body. Used to improve the skin’s complexion and provide relief from burning sensations, acne, blemishes, and dark pigmentation. Ashoka eliminates a variety of infectious agents. It has antioxidant properties that aid in the removal of toxins from the body. This wonderful herb promotes blood flow, which aids in the treatment of conditions that cause skin problems.
Ayur tip – Apply a paste made from the powdered leaves or bark of the Ashoka tree on the skin to treat acne.
How to use Ashoka powder –
Parts used – Stem bark, seeds, flower
Bark – 1 to 3gm
Seed powder – 1 to 3 gm
Decoction (Kwath) – 40 – 80 ml
Can ashoka be taken together with ashwagandha?
To help balance hormones, i.e. excess testosterone?
Thank you
Can ashoka be taken together with ashwagandha?
To help balance hormones, i.e. excess testosterone?
Thank you