How to Get Rid of Dry and Wet Cough Naturally ?
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home remedies to relief dry and wet cough
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Are you fed up with coughing all the time🤧🥶 Whether you have a dry or wet cough, it can be extremely bothersome and disturbing to your daily life. Instead of relying on over-the-counter medications, why not try natural remedies? In this article, we’ll explore effective home remedies for coughs, specifically focusing on dry coughs. We’ll also discuss the Ayurvedic herbs, that are proven in research publications to be successful in treating both dry and wet coughs

Understanding Dry and Wet Coughs

A dry cough is a non-productive cough, meaning that no cough or phlegm will produce after excessive coughing. It started out with throat irritation or inflammation that spread to the respiratory tract in general. a variety of factors can cause dry coughs, including allergies, respiratory infections or even exposure to environmental pollutants can cause dry coughs

The presence of mucus or phlegm distinguishes wet coughs, compared to dry coughs. They frequently indicate an underlying respiratory illness or congestion of the lungs

Best 5 Exclusively beneficial Ayurvedic herbs used to alleviate dry and wet cough symptoms

Tulsi (Holy Basil)

Tulsi, the “Queen of Herbs“, also known as Holy Basil, is valued in Ayurvedic medicine for its medicinal benefits, especially in treating allergies, fever, cough and cold

Tulsi’s Ayurvedic and pharmaceutical actions for cough and cold are as follows

  1. Balances Kapha Dosha: Tulsi helps to balance the Kapha dosha, which is linked to mucus production and respiratory congestion. It has expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties that aid in the expulsion of mucus from the respiratory system and provides cough alleviation
  2. Kasa-Hara (Antitussive): Tulsi has antitussive properties, suppressing cough and relaxing the respiratory tract
  3. Shwasa-Hara (Bronchodilator): It has bronchodilatory qualities, which help to open up the airways and make breathing easier
  4. Deepana and Pachana: Tulsi stimulates digestion and metabolism, which helps to reduce congestion and phlegm generation indirectly. Tulsi contains a high concentration of antioxidants, which scavenge free radicals and protect the respiratory system from oxidative stress
  5. Rasayana: In Ayurveda, it is described as a revitalizing herb that promotes overall health and vitality. It has immunomodulatory properties, which improve the immune response and the body’s ability to fight infections. To use, boil a few fresh Tulsi leaves in water or tea, drain, and drink or gargle with the kadha

Adhatoda vasica (Vasa)

Adulsa, also known as Vasaka (scientific name: Adhatoda vasica), is an Ayurvedic herb used to treat dry and wet coughs, as well as a variety of respiratory disorders.

Adulsa’s Ayurvedic and pharmaceutical activities for dry and wet cough are as follows

  1. Pacifies Kapha-Vata: Adulsa aids in the balance of the Kapha and Vata doshas, which are linked to coughing and respiratory problems. Its expectorant activity helps mucus clearance from the respiratory system, making it useful for both dry and wet coughs
  2. Kasa-Hara (Antitussive): Adulsa is an antitussive that suppresses coughing and soothes respiratory passages
  3. Shwasa-Hara (Bronchodilator): It has bronchodilatory qualities that help relax and open the airways, allowing for better breathing
  4. Kapha-Shamaka: By easing the Kapha dosha, adulsa aids in reducing excessive mucus production and congestion. It has antibacterial properties that make it effective against a range of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, which helps fight respiratory infections that could cause coughing
  5. Rasayana: In Ayurveda, it is regarded as a herb that rejuvenates, enhancing respiratory health and general well-being. Antioxidants in Adulsa scavenge free radicals, lowering oxidative stress and protecting the respiratory system

    Vasa can be taken as an herbal decoction, tea, syrup, or tablet in the recommended dosage.

Licorice (Yashtimadhu)

A well-known Ayurvedic herb known as Yastimadhu, also referred to as licorice or Glycyrrhiza glabra, is used for its therapeutic qualities, especially its efficiency in treating dry and wet cough

The pharmacological and Ayurvedic effects of Yastimadhu for dry and wet cough are as follows

  1. Kapha-Vata Balancing: Yastimadhu aids in balancing the doshas of Kapha and Vata, which are linked to respiratory disturbances and coughing. The respiratory mucosa is soothed, which relieves the irritation and dryness brought on by a dry cough.
  2. Kasa-Hara (Antitussive): Yastimadhu has antitussive properties that reduce coughing and soothe the airways.
  3. Shwasa-Hara (Bronchodilator): It has bronchodilatory characteristics that ease breathing by relaxing and enlarging the airways.
  4. Kapha-Shamaka: By calming the Kapha dosha, Yastimadhu helps prevent excessive mucus production and congestion. Additionally, it demonstrates antiviral action against specific respiratory viruses, which is advantageous for treating viral infections that cause coughing.
  5. Rasayana: In Ayurveda, it is regarded as a herb that rejuvenates, enhancing respiratory health and general well-being. It controls the immune system, helping the body’s built-in defenses against respiratory infections and hastening recovery.

Licorice can be taken orally as lozenges, decoction or herbal tea. Particularly if you have high blood pressure, it’s crucial to utilize it moderately and under medical supervision.

Ginger (Shunthi)

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a versatile Ayurvedic herb known for its many health advantages, including its ability to treat both dry and wet coughs

The Ayurvedic and Pharmacological activities of ginger for dry and wet cough are as follows

  1. Kapha-Vata Balancing: Ginger helps balance the Kapha and Vata doshas, which are linked to coughing and respiratory issues. Its expectorant activity aids in the loosening and removal of phlegm, making it useful for both dry and wet coughs
  2. Kasa-Hara (Antitussive): Ginger functions as an antitussive, inhibiting the cough reflex and relaxing the throat
  3. Shwasa-Hara (Bronchodilator): It has bronchodilatory qualities, which help to relax and open the airways, making breathing easier
  4. Deepana and Pachana: Ginger stimulates digestion and metabolism, which helps to reduce congestion and phlegm production indirectly

Ginger can be consumed by preparing ginger tea, adding it to foods or drinking ginger syrup

Turmeric (Haldi)

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is the most commonly used spice in Indian kitchens and has a wide range of therapeutic properties

Here are the Ayurvedic and pharmacological actions of turmeric for dry and wet cough

  1. Pacifies Kapha-Vata: Turmeric helps balance the Kapha and Vata doshas, which are associated with cough and respiratory imbalances. It exhibits antimicrobial activity against various respiratory pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, which can help combat respiratory infections associated with cough
  2. Kasa-Hara (Antitussive): Turmeric acts as an antitussive, reducing cough and soothing the respiratory passages
  3. Shwasa-Hara (Bronchodilator): It possesses bronchodilatory properties, helping to relax and widen the airways, making breathing easier
  4. Rasayana: In Ayurveda, turmeric is described as a herb that rejuvenates, supporting respiratory health and overall well-being. It modulates the immune response, enhancing the body’s natural defense mechanisms against respiratory infections and promoting faster recovery

You can consume turmeric by adding it to warm milk and herbal teas, or incorporating it into your cooking.

Rajasthan Aushadhalayas, Tus Herab Cough Syrup and Tus Herab Tablet are an effective herbal blend of clinically proven ingredients Adulsa, Yastimadhu, Tulsi, Haldi and Shunthi. Naturally relieves cough, cold and flu symptoms. Studies have indicated that herbs such as licorice root, turmeric, and holy basil can lessen cough intensity and encourage expectoration.

Home Remedies for dry and wet cough

Soothing Honey and Ginger

  • A honey and ginger mixture is one of the most famous and extensively used home remedies for dry cough
  • To relieve a dry cough, combine a tablespoon of honey with freshly grated ginger juice and take it several times throughout the day
  • A spoonful of honey and a pinch of Shunthi churn (dry ginger) is also an effective dry cough treatment
  • Honey has natural soothing qualities that can help ease throat irritation, while ginger has anti-tussive, anti-inflammatory properties

Steam Inhalation with Essential Oils

  • Inhaling steam can instantly ease wet and dry coughs
  • Bring a small pot of water to a boil, then add a few drops of essential oils like eucalyptus, peppermint or tea tree oil
  • Lean over the pot, cover your head with a towel to form a steam tent and breathe deeply to inhale the scented vapors
  • This will assist to moisturize your airways and alleviate the inflammation that is producing a cough

Ayurvedic Kadha

  • Boil tulsi leaves, a pinch of turmeric and a small piece of licorice root in water to make a herbal decoction
  • Allow for a 10-minute simmer before straining
  • Warm this combination and enjoy its medicinal effects for wet cough relief
  • Infusions of various Ayurvedic herbs, such as black pepper, cinnamon, or cardamom, can also help relieve the symptoms of a wet cough

Embracing Natural Remedies for Long-Term Relief

When it comes to coughs, natural remedies can be a gentle yet effective solution. They not only relieve symptoms but also address the underlying reasons for the cough. You might find treatment in a holistic and natural method by researching Ayurvedic medicines for wet coughs. Rajasthan Aushadhalayas, Dama Buti Churna and Asthalex Capsule include a potent blend of ayurvedic herbs formulated to treat respiratory disorders.

Remember, if your cough persists or worsens despite attempting these cures, you should see a doctor for a correct diagnosis and treatment. Accept nature’s power and say goodbye to dry and wet coughs🤧🥶

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